Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 11


I answered them: “You yourselves can not but know that my master rules over Slavonian princes who are mightier than Peter king of the Bulgarians who has wedded the daughter of the emperor Christophorus.” “But Christophorus,” they said, ” was not born in the purple.”

But Rome, “I said, ” which, as you exclaim, you wish to have free, who does it serve, to whom does it pay tribute’? Did it not formerly serve harlots? And, while you were sleeping, nay, powerless, did not my master the august emperor free it from so disgraceful a servitude?

Saxony and Bavaria

Constantine, the august emperor who founded this city and called it after his name, as world-ruler gave many gifts to the holy apostolic Roman church, not only in Italy but in almost all the western kingdoms; also in the eastern and southern-in Greece, namely, Judea, Persia, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Egypt, Libya: as his own privileges witness, which are preserved in our land. Now whatever there is, in Italy and also in Saxony and Bavaria or in any, of the dominions of m master, that belongs to the church of the blessed apostles: he has conferred it on the vicar of those same most holy apostles. And may I deny God if my master has retained from all of these a city, an estate, a vassal or a serf – But why does your emperor not do the same?

Why does he not restore to the church of the apostles what lies in his kingdom; so that he may make it, rich and free as it is by the labor and munificence of my master, still richer and more free?

“But this,” said the first chamberlain Basilius, “he will do as soon as Rome and the Roman church shall be subordinated to his will.” “A certain main,” I said, “having suffered much injury from another, approached God with these words: I Lord, avenge me upon my adversary!’ To whom the Lord said I will do it at the day when I shall render unto each man according to his works!’ I Alas,’ said he, ‘how late that will be!

At which all except the emperor’s brother shook with laughter. They then ended the interview and ordered me to be led back to my hated abode, and to be guarded with great care until the day, honored by all religious persons, of the holy apostles. On this festal occasion the emperor commanded me-I was very ill at the time-and also the Bulgarian envoys who had arrived the day before, to meet him at the church of the holy apostles.

Read More about Journalism in Tennessee part 5