Turkey Eastern women


What would you like to say about the overall character of eastern and western women based on what you`ve observed?

Eastern women appear charming, quiet and submissive. But, as I`ve said in every book I`ve written, this is dead wrong. Eastern women speak without yelling, without raising their voices. This dignity of theirs stems from their respect, not from fearfulness. Western women make a lot more noise, most of the time without getting what they want, whereas eastern women usually manage the path to their goals in a quieter way, and they usually get results. Their way of analyzing human psychology is more clever. Western women in contrast are more open than eastern women, and more assertive. It is hard to understand eastern women. These characterizations don`t apply to everyone of course.

If all those in a governing position in the world had been women, what kind of world would we live in?

We would definitely have been living in a better world, because women don`t make war so easily. As the ones who bear children and bring up human beings, women have a better sense of the value of life. Apart from that, we would still have many problems, but one thing I`m sure of is that there would be less war.

Tradition and reality can get mixed up with religious values today. In your view does this confusion affect human relations and relations between east and west?

I totally agree. There is ignorance and prejudice stemming from tradition in both the east and the west. Muslim women have been granted many rights.

With the spread of Islam they got the same right to education as men. You see this when you read the Quran. The Prophet Muhammad`s first wife, Hatidja, was a powerful businesswoman. His other wife, Aisha, discussed everything with him, including politics, and could express her opinions easily. The problems we face at the moment do not stem from religion but from wrong practices down the centuries.

Oppressing women, who make up half the human race, will not advance life and civilization. Lack of education is the most pressing problem in the Islamic world and the east in general. The only salvation lies in good and widespread education. Actually this is not a problem only of Islamic culture and the east. You see the same social structure in many Mediterranean countries. Sicily and southern France are male-dominated societies too.

Who are your idols among women?

Halide Edip Adivar, Benazir Bhutto and Mrs. Gandhi are all women who have inspired me in their different ways.

What is the message of Begum?

Begum insists on the necessity for tolerance and for different cultures to understand one another. Many moral precepts in different religions unite people. Differences stem largely from ritual and practice. Begum emphasizes that the way to peace lies through tolerance and love. Life is not black and white. There are shades of grey in between. I thought about that as I was writing Begum, which I started following two years of research.

How does living in Paris affect your writing?

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