Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 26
But, to increase my calamities, on the day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary the holy mother of God (August 15), there came-an...
Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 25
When you were besieging Bari only three hundred Hungarians seized five hundred Greeks near Thessalonica and led them into Hungary. Which attempt, inasmuch as...
Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 24
The aforesaid Hippolytus writes also that not the Greeks but the Franks shall put an end to the Saracens. Encouraged by which prophecy the...
Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 23
You have beard the interpretation of the Greeks; hear how that of Liutprand, bishop of Cremona. For I say and not alone do I...
Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 22
Hippolytus, indeed, a certain Sicilian bishop, wrote similarly concerning your empire and our people-I call “our people,” namely, all those who are under your...
Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 21
As I did this there met us, herded together with goats, the so-called wild asses. But why, I ask, wild asses? Our tame ones...
Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 20
I answered him: “Those princes are nobles of the first rank and vassals of my master; and, if he see that your army attacks...
Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 19
But mark how impiously he had sworn. These things were said and done on the thirteenth day before the Calends of August (July 20)...
Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 18
Already last year I wished to do this, but hearing that your master intended to invade the territory of our empire, letting the Assyrians...
Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 17
I wish you might believe me, and I know you will believe me, that you with four hundred of your warriors can slay that...