The Accession of Alexius and Interfamily Power Struggles part 2


He was fair-haired with a milk-white complexion, suffused in the right places with a delicate pink, like that of a rose just bursting its sheath ; his eyes were not light, but gleamed from under his eyebrows like those of a hawk’s under a golden hood. As a result he affected all beholders pleasurably in one way or the other and seemed to be of celestial, rather than earthly, beauty – in short he exactly resembled a picture of Eros, as who beheld him might have remarked.

Brought up with the Queen

This was the true reason of the Queen’s remaining in the palace, Now I am by nature averse to fabricating tales and inventing slanders, though I know this is a common practice, especially if people are bitten by envy or malice, nor do I lend a ready ear to popular calumnies; moreover, in this matter I know from other sources the truth of the matter. For from childhood, from eight years upwards, I was brought up with the Queen, and as she conceived a warm affection for me she confided all her secrets to me. I have also heard many others discussing the course of events at this time, and they differed from each other, each one interpreting them according to his own state of mind or to the degree of good-will or hatred he bore the Queen, and thus I discovered that they were not all of the same opinion.

Likewise I have heard her herself too narrating the occurrences, and the panic into which she fell about her son, when Nicephorus was deposed. Thus in my opinion and that of the real seekers after the truth, it was only anxiety for her son which detained the Queen in the palace for a short time then. I have said enough about Queen Maria. My father Alexius who had now grasped the sceptre came and dwelt in the palace, but left his wife, fifteen years’ of age, with her sisters, mother and her imperial grandfather on her father’s side in the ‘ Lower’ palace as it was generally called from its site. And he himself with his brothers and mother and nearest male relations moved into the ‘Upper’ palace, which is also called ‘Boucoleon’ for the following reason.

Not far from its walls a harbour had been constructed long ago of native stone and marbles, and there stood a sculptured lion seizing a bull-for he is clinging to the bull’s horn, pulling his head back, and has fixed his teeth in the bull’s throat. So from this statue the whole place, that is both the buildings there and the harbour itself, has been named Boucoleon.

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