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Queen receptions – Turkey Women’s National Volleyball Team member Gozde Sonsirma is in love with sports and especially volleyball. Trained in the youth setup at Vakifbank Gunes Sigorta. Sonsirma played in die jumoi nanonal and the national teams. We talked with Gozde Sonsirma, who pained a put e in liberals, Willi ‘Sultans of the Net’ and impressed the odds in V.ikith.mk I am telecom Unifi’s in about their sports earner and volleyball.

Let us get to know you a little first. Would you please introduce yourself?

My name is Gozde Sonsirma. I was born on 26 June 1985 in Kutahya. I graduated from Maltepe University Department of Communication Studies. I have been married for one and a half years.

How does a sportsperson’s life go? How should it be?

A sportsperson’s life usually composes of a shuttle between trainings and home. We have only 15 days of vacation in 365 days. When compared to other branches, volleyball requires an always-fit body, so we must pay attention to the way we live. We have to be careful about our sleep, food, drinks, private life at all times.

Volleyball games

Queen receptions – What attracted you in volleyball? Did your family have an influence on this?

My interest in volleyball started in middle school; my twin sister Ozge and I used to watch volleyball games on TV. Our family did not have much influence, because we are the only sportspeople in the family, my sister Ozge and me. But, since the day we started playing volleyball they always supported us, prayed for us, thanks to them.

Queen Receptions

Turkey Women`s National Volleyball Team member Gozde Sonsirma is in love with sports and especially volleyball. Trained in the youth setup at Vakifbank Gunes...

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