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Tag: Indispensable cheese

Indispensable cheese – Atilla Dogudan Chef of Chefs

Tips from the President of Do & Co.

Why is cheese indispensable?

Nobody knows, but bread and cheese speil freedom. If you don’t feel like eating that particular food at that particular hour on that particular day, your choice is easy: Bread and cheese.

Why use salad dressing?

Just use it. We’ve thought of everything. Every salad has a different dressing. Olive oil and lemon juice, for example, on the classic green salad. Not only does it enhance the flavor, it also aids in the absorption of vitamin A.

What are the fine points of using sauces?

They come in little packets as you know. Don’t forget to shake them a little first to mix the contents. And after you pour them over the food, wait a minute or so for the flavor to penetrate.

The eggplants are purchased from suppliers in the central produce market. The condition: a quality product at a reasonable price. After passing quality control, the eggplants are washed, cleaned and chopped differently for roasting, saksuka and imambayildi.

Indispensable cheese – They are two-thirds cooked when they ’re put on the plane. Still to come are the final third of cooking time and then the garnish with fresh herbs. The process is definitely not reheating but continuation of the cooking. This is a very important point.


An ancient story describes a confrontation between the sons of Adam. In a fit of jealousy Cain kills his brother Abel with a rock.

If there is anything that has not changed since that earliest story in the history of man it is the tools and weapons of war. Is it possible that technology might not have become a threat to mankind?

Bon Thomas programmed the first computer program that was dubbed a virus by virtue of its ability to duplicate itself on various platforms despite not being a living organism in 1970 for experimental purposes. For many years computer programmers wrote viruses to show off their intelligence and stroke their egos.

Indispensable cheese

Atilla Dogudan Chef of Chefs Tips from the President of Do & Co. Why is cheese indispensable? Nobody knows, but bread and cheese speil freedom. If you...



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