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Exploring Camli Kosk

Gateway to the Outside World Camli Kosk, the splendid window of Dolmabahçe Palace to the outer world, is now open to visitors. Serving as an...

Exploring Kaleiçi A Tranquil Retreat

Gift Shopping in Charming Streets Discover a variety of gifts at the shops and stalls lining the streets of Kaleiçi. You can also explore carpet...

Functional Living in Kaleiçi

The entrance floors of the houses in Kaleici serve as warehouses, provision rooms, and service floors. Similarly, mezzanines have comparable functions. The kitchen, bath,...

Design Capability

Where is Turkey in this trend? Where do we stand in terms of design capability? While a production-weary world is being rocked by a series...

Kings Catacombs

“And when my brother Na.nefer.ka.ptah went to the cemetery of Memphis, he did nothing on earth but read the writings that are in the...

Ahuras Tale

“We were the two children of the King Mer.neb.ptah, and he loved us very much, for he had no others; and Na.nefer.ka.ptah was in...

Ra Harakhti

Now the sun went down, and he loaded himself with herbs in his daily manner. He came, and his foremost cow entered the stable,...

Vienna coffee house tradition

An ancient, still popular Vienna coffee house tradition known far beyond Austria`s borders dictates that the honoured guest of the establishment should always, and...